samedi 6 décembre 2008

My top 10 favorite AI ads

As I'm curently working with Amnesty International Malaysia, I decided that this week I'll share with you my top 10 favorite Amnesty International ads:

Guerilla in a museum in Germany "This is just a duplicate. The original hangs in a prison cell somewhere in China, Indonesia or the Middle East. Without witnesses. Without hope. Help us to stop this happening:"

"200 letters They gave my clothes back, 400 letters The prison director come to see me, 1200 letters The director got touch with his superior, 3000 letters The president called to let me go" (Young Lions Gold 2008)

This campaign for magazines invite the viewer to open the staples (= to free the prisoners of conscience)

"Make some noise for Human Rights"

Worldwide ambient campaign "it's not happening here, but it's happening now"

"Amnesty International, a proved efficiency"

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