mardi 20 janvier 2009

Kids reactions to Neuf box TV commercial

Here is an interesting extract of the french website VDM (for Vie De Merde = Life Sucks), where people can post the crappy anecdotes that happened to them:Today, I found my Neuf box (ADSL box) disembowled by hammer and screwdriver knocks. My son just wanted "to see the small guys hidden inside, like in the TV com". Thanks Neuf. Life sucks.

In the comments you can find:

My kid shook the box to try to hear them...TV is bad.

Here is the "guilty" ad:

I made an essay at uni last year on the influence of images in media on children behaviours, I'll make a post on it when I'll got some time but here is an example of how powerful an ad can be on those little minds!

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