This is a picture of a page in the middle of "le guide du routard" which is the equivalent of the Lonely Planet guide in French. In this book we find practical informations like "Adresses utiles" (useful adresses) "Où manger?" (Where to eat?) "Où dormir" (where to sleep?) "Où boire un verre?" (Where going for a drink?) and so on.
Reporters sans Frontieres is the French branch of Reporters Without Borders that defend freedom of expression, press and informations.
In this ad they used the same layout as the other pages of the guide, add marker marks on it and put their logo & baseline "N'attendez pas qu'on vous prive de l'information pour la défendre." (Don't wait to be deprived of information to defend it.)
Simple. Clever. Efficient. Love it :D!
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